Method Name | Return Values | Parameters | |
GetCountries | List of Countries (Id, CountryName, CountryShortName) |
(Required): N/A | |
VerifyPublicKey | Institutions (Id, Code, Title, SISID, CountryID, CountryName, CountryShortName, Type) |
(Required): Guid? publicKey | |
GetInstitutions | List of Institutions (Id, Code, Title, SISID, CountryID, CountryName, CountryShortName, Type) |
(Required): N/A (Optional): int? countryId = null, Guid? accessKey = null, bool? haveAgreementOnly = true, bool? isSender = true, bool? isReceiver = null |
GetSubjects | List of Subjects (InstitutionId, Id, Code, Title) |
(Required): institutionId (Optional): sending = null |
GetSendingCourses | List of Courses (Id, Number, Title, Credit, Active, InstitutionId, SubjectId, SubjectCode, Presentation) |
(Required): institutionId (Optional): subjectCode = null |
SearchFrom | List of Agreements (SndrInstitutionId, SndrInstitutionIDSIS, SndrInstitutionCode, SndrInstitutionName, SndrCourseID, SndrCourseTitle, SndrCourseCredit, RcvrInstitutionId, RcvrInstitutionIDSIS, RcvrInstitutionCode, RcvrInstitutionName, InternalNote, PublishDate, Id, SndrCourseNumber, SndrSubjectCode, Detail, Condition, StartDate, EndDate) |
(Optional): sender = null, receivers = null, subjectCode = null, courseNumber = null, year = null, month = null, published = null, accessKey = null | |
SearchTo | List of Agreements (SndrInstitutionId, SndrInstitutionIDSIS, SndrInstitutionCode, SndrInstitutionName, SndrCourseID, SndrCourseTitle, SndrCourseCredit, RcvrInstitutionId, RcvrInstitutionIDSIS, RcvrInstitutionCode, RcvrInstitutionName, InternalNote, PublishDate, Id, SndrCourseNumber, SndrSubjectCode, Detail, Condition, StartDate, EndDate) |
(Optional): sender = null, receivers = null, subjectCode = null, courseNumber = null, year = null, month = null, published = null, accessKey = null |